Continuing the success of the Investment Promotion Seminar of Chinese Electronics Associations held on March 28, 2023 in Bac Ninh province, in which KBC co-organized and with the participation of leaders of Bac Ninh province, and nearly 100 investors from China Electronic Associations. In the morning of April 12, 2023, at the headquarters of KBC - Que Vo Industrial Park, Bac Ninh, Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (KBC) chaired and organized a seminar on investment connection in the Chinese electronics (telephone) industries. The seminar had the participation of KBC''s Board of Directors, member companies, guests and 120 Chinese electronics manufacturing investors.

The seminar was attended by more than 120 Chinese electronic enterprises

Speaking at the opening of the seminar, on behalf of Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong - General Director greeted and welcomed the investment survey delegation of Chinese electronic enterprises for paying great attention to investing in Vietnam and visiting, learning about KBC''s industrial park projects today. The presence of representatives of 120 major investors in the field of electronics and phones is a good sign for Vietnam in general and KBC in particular. This year remarks the 21st year of KBC''s establishment and development in the field of industrial investment, development and infrastructure business with many remarkable results in attracting FDI. Kinh Bac Corporation is managing nearly 20 industrial park projects with large and medium scale in 3 regions of North - Central - South Vietnam with the total investment capital of more than 17 billion USD. Many large Chinese corporations and hundreds of other large enterprises from other countries and regions around the world have invested in KBC''s system of industrial parks such as: Goertek, Foxconn, Luxshare, JA Solar, Lens, SLP, ESR, LG Electronics, LG Display, LG Innotek, Canon, etc. With a land bank of more than 6,000 hectares, KBC is ready to welcome and commits to give our best support and always accompany investors. KBC wants investors to come to Vietnam soon to find investment opportunities and choose KBC''s industrial parks as their investment destination.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong - General Director of KBC gave a welcome speech at the

On behalf of the investment survey team of China, Mr. Yang Shu Cheng - General Secretary of China - India - Vietnam Electronic Business Association sincerely thanked the Board of Directors Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation for having given a respectful and warm welcome to the delegation. The survey delegation of Chinese enterprises this time included 120 electronic enterprises in the industries of manufacturing phones, electronics, auto parts, new energy, etc. 12 years ago, they organized the first Vietnam survey delegation including more than 40 businesses coming to Vietnam and the results after that survey were 8 enterprises that invested in building factories in Vietnam, which are also recognized as valuable achievements. Today is the second business delegation to survey Vietnam, also the delegation with the largest number of enterprises registered for investment survey. The delegation highly appreciated the investment potential of KBC - as a leading industrial park development business in Vietnam with many strategic industrial park projects, attracting a lot of big investors from China such as: Goertek, Luxshare ICT, with large-scale investments, which proved KBC''s ability to successfully attract investment. This survey team of Chinese enterprises highly expected to have many opportunities to exchange, learn, and achieve good and successful investment cooperation opportunities between the parties.

Mr. Yang Shu Cheng - General Secretary of China - India - Vietnam Electronic Business Association (Telephone) gave a speech
As the honored guest of KBC to attend the seminar, Mr. Zhuo Xian Hong - Senior Advisor of Foxconn Group had sincere and frank sharings about the investment environment, investment procedures and regulations, supporting policies of Vietnamese authorities and localities at the Conference. Mr. Zhuo said that the similarity in culture and people of the two countries: Vietnam - China was an important factor to help economic exchanges between the two countries constantly promote and gain more and more good results. Mr. Zhuo shared more with investors about his experience in carrying out administrative procedures for investment, construction, fire prevention, customs, etc. in Vietnam with both positive and negative aspects for investors'' reference.

Mr. Zhuo Xian Hong - Senior Advisor of Foxconn Group shared his experience on project implementation in Vietnam
Following the program, Ms. Vu Thi Thu Trang - Deputy Sales Director of Kinh Bac Corporation - on behalf of KBC gave a presentation introducing industrial park projects and investment attraction opportunities to investors at the Seminar.

Ms. Vu Thi Thu Trang presented the introduction of KBC''s industrial parks in Vietnam
At the end of the Seminar, Chinese businesses raised questions related to investment procedures, land lease term, land sublease amount, human resources in Vietnam and emphasized the question about KBC''s strengths and advantages to being able to attract many large corporations such as Foxconn, Goertek, etc. Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong – General Director of KBC and delegates answered the issues that investors interested and questioned with an open, friendly and demanding manner.

KBC''s General Director Nguyen Thi Thu Huong was cordial, openly answered questions and issues of interest to investors.
The China electronics (telephone) investment connection seminar was absolutely an important forum to meet, exchange and share information on potentials, strengths, opportunities and investment environment of KBC industrial parks to the Chinese community of associations, businesses and investors. The seminar will contribute to further promoting economic, trade, investment and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries Vietnam - China.
The delegation took photos at the Conference